Common Co-Occurring Disorders

Symptoms of common co-occurring disorders

The mental health problems that most regularly co-occur with drug dependence are depression, anxiety conditions, and bipolar disorder.

Standard signs of clinical depression

Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness

Lack of interest in everyday tasks

Incapacity to feel joy

Appetite or weight changes

Sleep alterations

Reduction of energy

Substantial emotions of insignificance or guilt

Attention issues

Temper, bodily pain, and ill-advised activity (especially in males).

Prevalent indications of mania in bipolar disorder.

Sentiments of ecstasy or excessive irritability.

Outlandish, grandiose expectations.

Decreased need for sleeping.

Increased vitality.

Rapid speaking and racing thoughts.

Reduced judgment and impulse control.


Anger or rage.

Standard signs of anxiety.

Excessive tension and emotional distress.

Feeling jumpy or restless.

Irritability or feeling "wired".

Racing heart or lack of breath.

Nausea, tremoring, or dizziness.

Muscle group tension, headaches.

Difficulty concentrating.

Sleep problems.

Alcohol and Mental Health

Mental health conditions not only result from drinking too much alcohol. They can even provoke people to drink too much.

There is some evidence connecting light alcohol consumption with improved overall health in some adults. Between one and three units daily have been found to help defend us from heart disease, dementia, and Alzheimer's Disease, and a small glass of red wine everyday may decrease risk of stroke in females.

However there is a lot more evidence showing that drinking too much alcohol results in serious bodily and mental disorders.

Put very simply, a major reason for drinking alcohol is to change our mood - or change our mental state. Alcohol can temporarily alleviate feelings of anxiety and depression; it can even help to temporarily relieve the symptoms of more serious mental health conditions.

Alcohol problems are more common among people with more severe mental health issues. This does not necessarily mean that alcohol provokes severe mental disorder. Drinking to deal with difficult feelings or symptoms of mental disease is sometimes called 'self-medication' by people in the mental health field. This is often why people with mental health problems drink. But it can make existing mental health conditions worse.

Evidence demonstrates that individuals who consume high amounts of alcohol are vulnerable to higher levels of mental ill health and it can be a contributory factor in some mental disorders, such as depression.


How does drinking affect our moods and mental health?

When we have alcohol in our blood, our mood changes, and our behaviour then also changes. How these change depends on how much we drink and how quickly we drink it. Alcohol depresses the central nervous system, and this can make us less inhibited in our behaviour. It can also help 'numb' our emotions, so we can avoid difficult issues in our lives.

Alcohol can also reveal or magnify our underlying feelings. This is one of the reasons that many individuals become angry or aggressive when drinking. If our underlying feelings are of anxiety, unhappiness or anger, then alcohol can magnify them.

What about the after-effects?

When the effects have worn off, one of the main conditions connected with using alcohol to deal with anxiety and depression is that individuals may feel much worse. Alcohol is thought to use up and reduce the amount of neurotransmitters in the brain, but the brain needs a certain level of neurotransmitters needs to ward off anxiety and depression. This can lead some individuals to drink more, to ward off these difficult feelings, and a dangerous cycle of dependence can develop.

Alcohol issues are more common among people with more severe mental health issues. If our underlying feelings are of anger, anxiety or unhappiness, then alcohol can magnify them.

One of the main problems connected with using alcohol to deal with anxiety and depression is that people may feel much worse when the effects have worn off. Alcohol is thought to use up and reduce the amount of neurotransmitters in the brain, but the brain needs a certain level of neurotransmitters needs to ward off anxiety and depression.

Heredity and Alcoholism

Even though the conventional hypothesis is that alcoholism is a problem that a person develops on her own, there is a growing theory that there might be a hereditary elements to alcohol dependence. Numerous experts think that alcohol dependence can come from a wide range of sources, including community, genetic, and mental elements. Since alcoholism is a disorder, it can be prompted or brought on by a variety of things, both in the environment and in an individual's genetic makeup. To assist in managing alcohol dependence, scientists are actively seeking out the genetic series that may be responsible for making people vulnerable to acquiring alcohol addiction.

Genetics and Alcohol dependence: Genes

It is true that alcohol addiction has the tendency to be handed downed in families from parent to offspring, and among the explanations for this are hereditary factors, which prompt a person's susceptibility to becoming addicted to alcohol. Other components influence the progression of alcohol addiction including the environment they are raised in. Not all children of alcoholics develop into alcoholics themselves. Around fifty percent of the children of alcoholics do not ever turn into alcoholic in their lives, and it is not an automatic certainty that you will become an alcoholic if one or both of your parents are alcoholics. It is simply a higher risk element.

Genetics and Alcoholism: The Environment

In addition to investigating the connections between genes and alcohol addiction, researchers are also trying to find out just how much the environment a person is raised in can influence their susceptibility to alcoholism. Studies thus far have indicated that a person has a higher risk of acquiring alcohol dependence if they are brought up in a family atmosphere in which their moms and dads abuse alcohol or drugs, alcohol abuse is severe or one in which there is a high level of violence and tension.

Heredity and Alcoholism: Habits in Children of Alcoholics

As explaining by the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, offspring of alcoholic father and mothers might have other qualities than simply a greater danger at developing alcoholic propensities when they grow up. They may also be at a greater risk of establishing drug dependencies, having higher anxiety levels, perform poorer in academia or at jobs and have difficulty coping with problems or challenges in life. Children of alcoholics can discover how to live healthy, full lives, however it's crucial to realize that one of the best methods to help this happen is to raise them in an atmosphere that is warm, inviting and friendly, and is free from issues such as dependency, stress and violence.

The Course to Addiction: Phases of Alcoholism

Moderate drinking really isn't a reason for concern in a lot of grownups. When alcohol consumption gets out of control, you might be on a dangerous trail towards addiction.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA) believes that 18 million Americans have alcohol use disorders. Alcohol addiction really isn't produced right away. It emanates out of long-term misuse of alcohol.

Understanding the signs and symptoms of each stage can assist you in looking for aid well before your issue turns into dependence and addiction.

Phase # 1: Random Abuse and drinking in binges

The first stage of alcohol addiction is a basic experimentation with alcohol. These drinkers might be brand-new to various types of alcohol and are likely to check their limits. This is a common stage found in young people.

These drinkers will also commonly take part in binge drinking. While they might not consume alcohol regularly, they ingest exceptionally large volumes of alcohol at once. Most addiction specialists categorize binge drinking as:

men who consume five or more standard drinks within 2 hours

females who drink 4 or more drinks within two hours

Lots of binge drinkers exceed this amount. This is especially undeniable for teenagers who go to high school parties. You might believe binge drinking is safe when you just do it once in a while, nevertheless this could not be less true.

Drinking huge quantities of alcohol at once is unhealthy, and can even lead to coma or death. In addition, you might end up being dependent on the sensation and find that these interludes escalate in rate of recurrence.

Stage # 2: Increased Drinking

Drinkers leave the experimental stage when their alcohol consumption ends up being more frequent. Instead of simply consuming at parties every so often, you might find yourself consuming every weekend.

Enhanced alcohol usage can also cause drinking for these reasons:

as an excuse to get together with good friends

to ease tension

from boredom

to combat sadness or loneliness

Routine alcohol use is different from moderate drinking. There is usually a higher emotional attachment to it. A moderate consumer might match a glass of wine with a dish, while a routine consumer uses alcohol to feel excellent in general. As increased drinking continues, you end up being more dependent on alcohol and are at threat of establishing alcohol addiction.

Stage # 3: Problem Drinking

Regular, unrestrained alcohol abuse eventually causes alcoholism. While any type of alcohol abuse is bothersome, the term "problem drinker" describes someone who begins experiencing the effects of their practice.

You might end up being more depressed, nervous, or begin losing sleep. You might start to feel sick from heavy drinking, nevertheless enjoy its results excessive to care. Numerous drinkers at this stage are likewise most likely to consume and drive or experience legal troubles.

There are likewise certain social changes associated with interesting facts about alcohol problem drinking. These consist of:

relationship problems

decreased social activity because of unpredictable behavior

sudden change in good friends

problem speaking with strangers

Stage # 4: Alcohol Dependence

Alcohol addiction has two aspects: dependency and addiction. It's possible for an alcoholic to be depending on alcohol, but not yet dependented on drinking.

Dependency kinds after the alcoholism stage. At this moment, you have an accessory to alcohol that has actually taken over your regular regimen. You're aware of the unfavorable results, but no longer have control over your alcohol intake.

Alcohol dependence likewise implies that you have established a tolerance to drinking. As a result, you might have to consume larger quantities to obtain "buzzed" or drunk. Increased drinking has more destructive impacts on the body.

Another characteristic of dependence is withdrawal. As you sober up, you may feel unwanted signs like:

queasiness (not connected to a hangover).

body tremors.


serious impatience.

Stage # 5: Addiction and Alcoholism.

The final stage of alcoholism is addiction. You not want to simply drink for enjoyment at this phase. Alcohol addiction is identified by a physical and a psychological need to drink.

Alcoholics physically crave the drug and are frequently heartbroken till they start consuming again. Alcoholics may likewise be dependented on drugs too.

Uncontrollable habits are prominent in addiction, and alcoholics commonly drink whenever and anywhere they prefer.

The Outlook.

One of the greatest worries with risky consumers is when they do not think they have an issue. Any stage of alcohol addiction is troublesome. Moderate drinking is the just safe way to consume alcohol, however drinking in general isn't safe for everybody.

Determining issues with alcohol early can help prevent dependence and addiction. Medical treatment may be needed to detox the body of alcohol and to get a new beginning. Because many alcoholics endure psychological issues, individual or group therapy might assist in conquering addiction.

The deeper into the stages of alcohol addiction you get in, the harder it is to stop drinking. Long-term risks of heavy drinking consist of:.

liver damage.

cardiovascular disease.

mental retardation.


mental health conditions (including enhanced threat of suicide).

Speak with your doctor if you think you may have a drinking issue.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimates that 18 million Americans have alcohol disorders. Regular alcohol use is different from moderate drinking. As enhanced drinking causes of alcoholism continues, you become more dependent on alcohol and are at danger of establishing alcohol addiction.

Alcohol dependency likewise indicates that you have developed a tolerance to drinking. Moderate drinking is the just safe way to take in alcohol, but drinking in basic isn't safe for everyone.